Welcome to, Georgia’s premier medical platform dedicated to connecting you with top doctors, clinics, and healthcare services. Our mission is to make healthcare accessible, transparent, and convenient for everyone. With detailed doctor profiles, easy appointment booking, and up-to-date medical information, we are here to empower you to make informed health decisions. At, your health and well-being are our top priorities.
Choose the Best Service
Doctor's web page 450 ₾
Creation and maintenance of doctor web pages (in two languages), including current offers, interviews, and news pages per year.
Doctor's membership fee 300 ₾
Annual membership fee, updates the information and pages.
Clinic's web page 1150 ₾
Creation and maintenance of clinic pages (in two languages), including current promotions and news pages per year.
Clinic's online business card 250 ₾
Clinic logo, contact information, team of doctors and news per year.
Offers, articles or interview pages 150 ₾
Creation and maintenance of news, offers, articles or interview pages with an appointment system, share on social media on all existing platforms and in groups.
Main page advertising banner 1990 ₾
Creation and placement of clinic advertising banners (500X70px) on the main page (per year)
Main page advertising banner 990 ₾
Creation and placement of clinic advertising banners (250X70px) on the main page (per year)
Advertising banner 750 ₾
Design and placement of clinic advertising banner on internal pages (per year)
Custom proposals 0 ₾
Custom proposals can be evaluated individually, please contact us.
Choose Your Optimal Plan
Silver Package
Clinic Information Page
Advertising Banner
(on Internal Pages)
News, Offers, Interviews
(8 posts)
8 Doctor’s Pages
Gold Package
Clinic Information Page
Advertising Banner
(on Internal Pages)
News, Offers, Interviews
(12 posts)
10 Doctor’s Pages
Minimal Package
Clinic Information Page
Advertising Banner
(on Internal Pages)
News, Offers, Interviews
(4 posts)
4 Doctor’s Pages
Requred Information
Information Required for Creating Doctor’s Info Pages
- High resolution image;
- Full CV on both Georgian/English;
- Education (years, medical institution, position);
- Professional experience: (years, medical institution, position);
- Pedagogical experience (years, medical institution, position);
- Membership of Societies;
- Publications;
- Conferences (from … year);
- Awards;
- Additional information;
- Knowledge of Languages.
White Block Information:
- Date of Birth
- Specialization
- Academic Degree
- Field of Activity
- Professional Experience (since which year)
- Working Hours
- Consultation Price
- Phone, Email, Social Network Links.
Information Required for Creating Clinic’s Info Pages
- Clinic’s logo
- Brief information about the clinic
- List of clinic services
- List of leading specialists to be featured on our portal (with full CV and information in two languages)
- Images of the clinic for a slideshow (4 images)
- Contact information (address, phone, e-mail, social pages links)