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Nurse – is the person who cares for the sick or infirm. specifically: a licensed health-care professional who practices independently or is supervised by a physician or surgeon and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health see licensed practical nurse, licensed vocational nurse, registered nurse.


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Teona Abuladze

Working since 2003
Nurse in Modern Medicine

A nurse is an individual who provides care for the sick or infirm. Specifically: a licensed healthcare professional who works independently or under the supervision of a physician or surgeon, and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health.

Main Responsibilities of a Nurse in Modern Medicine
  • Patient Care: Providing for daily needs, including medication administration and wound care.
  • Diagnostic assistance: Supporting doctors in carrying out the procedures needed to make a diagnosis.
  • Monitoring: Constant monitoring of the patients’ condition.
  • Consulting services: Informing patients and their family members about health conditions and treatment procedures.
  • Emergency care: Providing emergency medical care.
  • Patient home care: Providing for daily needs, including medication administration, infusions, injections, and wound care. Constant monitoring of the patients’ condition.
  • Education: Educating patients and their family members about health management and disease prevention.
  • Documentation: Accurate documentation of patient data and care records.

Nurses play an important role in society and the health system. They ensure the comfort and safety of patients, reduce the risk of complications and promote rapid recovery, ultimately improving patients’ overall health and well-being.